Graduate Board Opportunities

The Phi Phi Club would like to invite graduate brothers to join our board and/or committees. We have several opportunities to be involved in the Graduate Board (including leadership positions) and our subcommittees. With the increased use of virtual meetings, you do not need to live in the Philadelphia area to actively participate. While the board meets every two to three months, these meetings are held over Zoom or by phone conference. In person meetings are held at the Chapter House each Homecoming and Alumni Day where brothers are always welcome but can also participate remotely.

As we look to the future of the fraternity, we would love additional participation in areas such as property management and planning, engagement between undergraduates and graduate brothers, event and reunion coordination and alumni development.

Please reach out to me if you would be interested in participating or would like additional information.


Jared Miller ‘95

Graduate Board President

[email protected]
