Update on Campus Events and Activities

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Pennsylvania cancelled all in person events including athletic events and Homecoming. In addition, fall instruction was moved to an online environment with all Penn housing closed except for emergency situations for select students.

What does this mean for our chapter house and our fraternity activities?

As our house is privately owned, we are not subject to the housing restrictions imposed by the university. In discussion with our graduate board and undergraduate residents, we kept our chapter house open for the fall semester to provide housing for our undergraduate brothers. There are significant restrictions on the residents in the chapter house to maintain the highest levels of personal safety during the pandemic. A few of the measures in place for this semester are all bedrooms are single occupancy only, no meal plans are offered at the chapter house, all residents must maintain social distancing and wear masks when not alone in their bedroom, and no outside visitors to the chapter house. We are also providing house cleaning and disinfecting services this semester for the chapter house. Every two weeks, a professional cleaning service cleans and disinfects the common areas of the house. In addition to the housing restrictions, all of the undergraduate brothers are bound by the University Code of Student Conduct and are provided access to COVID-19 testing on campus.

Unfortunately, Homecoming will not be held on campus this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions. While we cannot celebrate with our traditional festivities before and after the annual football game, we are in the planning stages for a virtual event to allow alumni to gather socially, “toast” to the house and their brothers, and to have a remote grad board meeting.

Please keep an eye out for additional details in an upcoming email. If you have any questions in the meantime or would like to be more involved in the graduate board, please contact me at jaredemiller@yahoo.com or by cell phone at 717-368-4190.