Back to school with Alpha Chi Rho 

With summer winding down, it means a new school year is right around the corner. Soon, another class of students will be back on campus and in town, ready to experience another great year at Penn.

Of course, students aren’t the only ones who will be back in town!

What are some places around Philadelphia that you can’t wait to get back to this year? Are you planning any nights at City Tap House or Smokey Joe’s with your Alpha Chi Rho buddies?

Is your favorite hangout spot the same as it was when you were a student? How have things changed around town in the years since you graduated?

We want to know! Share your thoughts with us HERE and be featured in an upcoming eLetter!

The older we get, the more we need our friends—and the harder it is to keep them

When you’re in middle age, you start to realize how very much you need your friends. After decades of relentless striving — kids, house, career, spouse — we find ourselves coming up for breath at some point in these middle decades. And what remains? With any luck, our friends.  

An Atlantic Monthly article (do yourself a favor and read it at, says that according to the Stanford Center on Longevity, those of us over 40 have aged out of the friendship-collecting business, which tends to peak in the tumbleweed stage of life, and move into the friendship-enjoying business, luxuriating in the relationships that survived as we put down roots. 

The problem? Those friendships are awfully hard-won. Life’s significant upheavals and changes can prove too much for many friendships to withstand. As years go by, some of the dearest people in your life have gently faded away.  

But these bonds with friends are more than an extra in your life story — they are the story. Over and over, we hear stories of how Alpha Chi Rho friends drove overnight to be in weddings, wept together at funerals, cheered at the news of new babies, toasted promotions, and gathered together in adversity. In a nutshell: the friendships we gained — and still have — with our fraternity brothers are exquisitely rare in today’s world. 

Author Jennifer Senior says, “Practically everyone who studies friendship says this in some form or another: What makes friendship so fragile is also exactly what makes it so special. You have to continually opt in. That you choose it is what gives it its value.” 

Our Phi Phi Club friendships have seen us through so much, but don’t take them for granted. Take a minute to text or call your roommate, or intramural teammate, and tell them that you are thinking of them. Our friendships have fueled these decades since graduation… Let’s keep it going.  

P.S. Don’t have the most recent contact information? We do! Log in and head over to our alumni directory page.  

Looking for the Phi Phi Review? Don’t worry, we have you covered!

Have you misplaced your last newsletter, are you looking for a particular one, or are you trying to find the newsletter you were featured in? Don’t worry! We have you covered!

If you are looking for a specific newsletter, head to our newsletter page to view our past editions. We have archives that date back all the way to Spring 2000, so head to the newsletter page and read through what our brothers were writing about back then.

Can’t find the newsletter edition that you’re looking for? Let us know by emailing

Thank you to our Honor Roll members!

Thank you to these fine gentlemen listed below in the 2022-23 Honor Roll for their continued support of Phi Phi Club Chapter! Because of them, we have been able to not only support our chapter, but support the alumni through communications, reunions, and financing.

View the Honor Roll here!

Our giving year ends 8/31/2023, and we have a ways to go to reach our goal. If you have not already given this year, please consider a gift and earn your spot on this year’s Honor Roll!


Register Now for the 107th National Convention!

Source courtesy of the Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity website.

From August 3 – 6, 2023, the National Fraternity will be hosting the 107th National Convention at the DoubleTree Downtown Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Fraternity and Educational Foundation are planning many engaging sessions and outings for the entire family. A full schedule will be announced very soon.



Registration for Graduate Brothers and families will be open until July 21, 2023. Graduate Registration can be done here:

The all-inclusive rate for Convention is $350 per person. This includes:

  • Admission to all Convention and Educational Sessions,
  • A meal ticket for the Scholarship Luncheon and the Feast of the Fraternity on August 5, and
  • Alpha Chi Rho Apparel.

There is also a virtual attendance option priced at $175.00 per person. Virtual attendance provides you access to all educational sessions. The Business Meeting is under Ritual and accordingly does not allow for virtual attendance.



To reserve a room at the DoubleTree, please click here. Reservations can also be made by calling 1-866-568-0896 between the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST. Individuals must identify themselves as a member of Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity to receive the contracted rates. Hotel rates for a single or double room are $169 per night excluding applicable taxes. Rooms must be reserved by July 1, 2023. There is a limited number of rooms available at the same room rate three days prior (July 31, 2023) and three days after Convention (August 10, 2023).



Registration for Resident (undergraduate) Brothers is open until May 12, 2023. Each Chapter must register two delegates; each Colony / Interest Group must register three delegates. Undergraduate Registration can be done here:

As announced in August 2022, there is a $150 registration fee per delegate (i.e. 2 delegates = $300) and it is not refundable.

The $150 registration fee pays for:

  • Hotel room from Thursday, August 3 to Sunday, August 6 at the DoubleTree Downtown Hotel,
  • AXP Swag (AXP Notebook, Pen, Stickers, etc.),
  • Admission to all Convention and Educational Sessions (note, to attend the Business Meeting your National Initiation Fee must be paid),
  • All Convention meals including Friday and Saturday lunch, and the Feast of the Fraternity on Saturday night.

One aspect of Convention is the optional “Day of Service” on Thursday, August 3. Members participating in the “Day of Service” will receive exclusive Alpha Chi Rho apparel. Information will be shared with Chapter presidents, vice presidents, and community service / philanthropy chairs.



As per Article IX, Section Two, all Graduate Brothers in good standing received a mail ballot for proposed amendments to the National Constitution. These paper ballots must be returned by July 1, 2023 in order to be counted as cast. Approval on each amendment shall be given by three-fourths of the ballots cast. All paper ballots are currently in transit. If you did not receive your paper ballot, please contact the National Office.

Additionally, proposed amendments to the National Bylaws will be made at the 107th National Convention per Article XIV of the National Bylaws. In order to vote on these amendments, it is important that each Chapter be represented by two Graduate Brothers at the the Business Meeting on August 5.

If you have any questions, please contact the National Office at 732-869-1895 or via email at



Thursday, August 3, 2023

Community Service Event (Optional) and Arrival

Friday, August 4, 2023

Educational Sessions, Keynote Speakers and Donor and Volunteer Recognition Reception

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Business Meeting, Scholarship Luncheon, and Feast of the Fraternity

Sunday, August 6, 2023

National Council Meeting and Departure


Facial masks (N95s) will be provided to all attendees upon request. If an attendee tests positive for COVID-19 within 72 hours after August 4, 5, or 6, all attendees will be made aware and will be provided a free COVID-19 test.

Phi Phi Club On the Web

Are you plugged in to our Alpha Chi Rho UPenn social media pages? Follow us to reconnect with your Phi Phi Club alumni buddies online, find out about upcoming virtual and in-person events, and keep up with the latest news from the chapter.  

Chapter Facebook Page: Alpha Chi Rho – Phi Phi Chapter at UPenn

Chapter Instagram: @upennaxp

National Fraternity LinkedIn: Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity

National Fraternity Twitter: @AlphaChiRho

Here’s how Alpha Chi Rho impacted my life

Alpha Chi Rho is the place where we had a lot of firsts. It’s the place where we first ventured out of our hometowns, the first place we bonded to on campus, and the place where we first learned the true meaning of friendship. Read on to see what your brothers said on how Alpha Chi Rho impacted their lives.

“The lifelong friendships are hard to come by, and it is so cool to have a history with people you have known for 30 years,” Jason Downie ’94 said. “That house is where some of my best memories were made, and some of my best friends were met.”

“I haven’t done a good job staying in touch with people,” Steve Cunningham ’70 muses. “But they are people who I remember really well and really liked. It was just a really good group of people – a really good, smart, solid, diverse group of guys – and it gave me an identity there at Penn.” As a final thought, he adds, “The house – and all that goes along with it – are worth preserving. I’d encourage my fellow brothers, if they haven’t given already, to give.”

How did Alpha Chi Rho impact you? CLICK HERE to share your story with us and be featured in an upcoming eLetter!

Undergraduates give back to local community for Easter

This month the brothers of the Phi Phi chapter volunteered for Eastern State Workers Association for their Easter Egg hunt. This event provides a meal and activities for families to take part to celebrate Easter with their community.

Thank you to the Eastern State Workers Association for hosting us again and providing a opportunity to contribute back to the local Philly community.

Bob Goodwin ’72: Class bonding into a cohesive entity during pledging and beyond had made such a huge impact on my life

Bob Goodwin ’72 “We had the cheapest beer on campus… Iron City in our Coke machine that could be scored for $0.25,” he shared about a tradition he loved—he still is a fan of Iron City.  

When he was an active member, Alpha Chi Rho was known as “The Band House.” He said that half of the brothers played in Penn’s marching band. “Mike Karpinski ’70 was a fellow trombonist and Band Vice President in 1968-69 and was instrumental in my joining AXP and would later become my Big Brother,” he shared.  

A favorite hangout was the house’s living room. “We would convene to watch Star Trek every evening at 6 pm,” he said.  

Bob was a real stand-up guy and bailed his brothers out of trouble more than once. A memorable occasion of this was during the National Convention for the Fraternity’s 75th anniversary. “It was held in Hartford, CT, and I lived in nearby Simsbury. I found myself in front of the state capitol when I witnessed what turned out to be two Lehigh University brothers about to be arrested for swimming in the fountain in Bushnell Park,” he shared. “I vouched for them, being the only sober brother in the group and convinced the state police to let them go in my custody. As I later thought about it, I’m unsure if they were the two who had stolen Brother Moose from our house the previous fall’s Penn vs. Lehigh football game.” 

He recalled another time when he, Don Dinan ’71 and some other guys were all underage and found themselves confronted by the Philadelphia police on South Street at 4 am… while carrying open beers. “Eventually, the officer and I were discussing high school football when I learned he played on South Philadelphia’s varsity team the year his team beat my high school, Central, four years earlier for the Philadelphia Public League championship. He was so busy bragging that he forgot to arrest us,” he laughed.  

As an only child, this banding together of brothers in a house was his first brotherhood experience. “Class bonding into a cohesive entity during pledging and beyond had made such a huge impact on my life,” he said. 

The band of brothers expanded beyond Penn. Bob recalled when he took a road trip to Penn State University to visit his girlfriend. “When I got there, she dumped me! Fortunately, I met Bob Fischer two years earlier at the National Convention, and he gave me a couch to sleep on,” he said. “I was almost caught up in a campus Vietnam War protest while I was there too. I quickly snapped a picture of the white-helmeted State Police and got out of there.” 

He and his wife were married in 1976, and they have three children and seven grandchildren. After graduation, Bob went on to medical school and opened a family private practice office in 1980. He still practices today.  

“Fraternities are still important. They get a bad rap, but our class had the highest GPA on campus; a third of us went on to Medical School and another third on to Law School. There are many distractions, but you get to return to a house filled with brothers, and I believe the people you hang out with define who you are,” he concluded. 

Only 4 months left in this giving year! Get on the Honor Roll now before it’s too late!

Brothers, we have less than 4 months left in our 2022-2023 giving year, which began on 9/1/2022. So, we are reaching out to you with a reminder to donate before the giving year ends on 8/31/2023, and earn your spot on the Honor Roll of Donors. Alumni support is the heart and soul of our fraternity, here’s why giving back is so important… 

Because being a donor is being a leader—seeing your name on the Honor Roll of Donors inspires others to join you by making their own gift. You don’t have to stop there, make a personal invitation to a fellow brother to join you on the Honor Roll. Remind him that without alumni support, we cannot carry on.

Because—if you’re like me—your fraternity experience helped to shape the person you are today and gave YOU invaluable gifts like leadership experience, interpersonal skills, lifelong friendships and more. Because of these invaluable experiences, we remain resolved that as long as Penn exists, Alpha Chi Rho will thrive there. 

We would like to thank those brothers who have generously contributed to Alpha Chi Rho Penn this giving year. Can you help us reach our goal before 8/31/2023?   

If you have not yet made your gift, add your name to the Honor Roll by using any of the following methods:   

  • Click here to give online;   
  • Call our toll-free Donation Hotline at 1-800-975-6699;  
  • Mail a check to our donation processing center:

Alpha Chi Rho – Phi Phi Club

Alumni Relations Processing Center

P.O. Box 7007

Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007 

Alumni Weekend May 12-15, 2023

Please join us for Alumni Weekend this year. We are planning to return to our traditional BBQ and house meeting on Saturday, May 13th at 1pm after the parade of classes. If you are interested in attending or to help plan for the event, please contact Jared Miller ( Official information from Penn can be found at Hotel blocks are mostly sold out, but there are other options available throughout the city and region. 

Important National Fraternity Amendments

All Phi Phi alumni should have received information from the National Headquarters concerning proposed amendments to the National Constitution and the National Bylaws. Included with this information is an individualized paper ballot for each Graduate Brother in good standing to ratify or deny proposed amendments to the National Constitution. All amendments to the National Constitution can be found at the following link: 

In addition, proposed amendments to the National Bylaws will be presented at the 107th National Convention on August 5, 2023 at the DoubleTree Downtown in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

If you have any questions or did not receive your ballot, please contact the National Office at 732-869-1895. 

Steve Cunningham ’70: “A smart, solid, diverse group of guys”

Steve Cunningham credits the late Stephen Grebe ‘67, who passed away in 1997, as a major influence on his decision to pledge Alpha Chi Rho. “He was president of the Glee Club my freshman year, and he was in Alpha Chi Rho.” In addition to his friend’s advice, he was seeking for a group that could help him find his place on campus. 

“I also wanted an identity with a smaller group (than the Glee Club). There were fraternities at Penn that were known for certain identities, like Delta Tau Delta, which was right next door, was more of a jock fraternity, but Alpha Chi Rho didn’t have any of those kinds of identities. It was a very diverse group, and a smart group. That was an attraction.” 

He notes the impressive pedigree of his 11-member pledge class, three of whom went on to become doctors. “It was a very accomplished group, including Fred Sanfilippo ’70, probably my best friend. We stayed in touch for a while, but have fallen out of touch He’s had a very, very accomplished career in medicine and research and as an executive also.” 

Steve remembers helping anchor the house’s successful IM basketball team along with Fred, who’d faced off against Lew Alcindor while in high school. “We won some games against much larger fraternities. I remember beating Delta Tau Delta in particular. (In that game) I drove to the basket and got knocked into the wall by this guy, but I made the basket. We had a pretty good team between Fred and myself.” 

The traditional pledge class breakfast (and prank) for the house sticks out as a favorite tradition from his time in the fraternity. “This was the Spring of ’67. We piled up all the furniture up the stairs, and there was a brother named Elijah Noel ’69; he realized what was going on, and he came down and just like flew over the pile of stuff that was piled up there on the steps.” 

On the topic of favor college hangouts, he remembers the Bull & Barrell Saloon on Chestnut Street as the home of “Peanut Night” Wednesdays and really cheap beer. “You’d get free peanuts with the beer, so by the end of the night, there was about a foot thick of peanut shells on the floor.” 

Steve majored in History at Penn, “which prepared me for absolutely nothing,” and following a stint in the Army, spent several years across various jobs in commercial real estate finance. He worked his final 18 years as a CFP at Charles Schwab in Phoenix, AZ before retiring in December 2019. While he has spent over two decades in Arizona (moving from Scottsdale to Tucson last year), he gets back to Pennsylvania a few times a year to visit his two children and five grandchildren. Trips to see his daughter, who lives in South Philadelphia, afford him the chance to get back and visit the house from time to time. 

“I haven’t done a good job staying in touch with people,” he muses. “But they are people who I remember really well and really liked. It was just a really good group of people – a really good, smart, solid, diverse group of guys – and it gave me an identity there at Penn.” 

As a final thought, he adds, “The house – and all that goes along with it – are worth preserving. I’d encourage my fellow brothers, if they haven’t given already, to give.” 

How did your brothers make an impact on you during your time at Penn? Here’s what one brother told us.

We hear it time and time again when we talk to brothers about Alpha Chi Rho, there are certain brothers that when you think about your time at Penn, always stick out. Whether it be them helping you in your first year at college, or your favorite party buddy, we all have that one guy that sticks out in our mind. Hear what one of your brothers had to say about the impact they had on their life.

“Mike Karpinski ’70 was a fellow trombonist and Band Vice President in 1968-69 and was instrumental in my joining AXP and would later become my Big Brother.” -Bob Goodwin ’72

CLICK HERE and let us know which one of your brothers left the biggest impact on you to this day! 

Alumni Updates: Here’s what your brothers have been up to since UPenn

It is always a great opportunity when you get to catch up with a brother you haven’t seen in a while! We recently caught up with three brothers who gave us an update on what they have been up to since UPenn! Read on to hear their updates. 

Steve majored in History at Penn, “which prepared me for absolutely nothing,” and following a stint in the Army, spent several years across various jobs in commercial real estate finance. He worked his final 18 years as a CFP at Charles Schwab in Phoenix, AZ before retiring in December 2019. While he has spent over two decades in Arizona (moving from Scottsdale to Tucson last year), he gets back to Pennsylvania a few times a year to visit his two children and five grandchildren. Trips to see his daughter, who lives in South Philadelphia, afford him the chance to get back and visit the house from time to time. – Steve Cunningham ’70

“The lifelong friendships are hard to come by, and it is so cool to have a history with people you have known for 30 years,” Jason said. He and some of his Alpha Chi Rho brothers are headed to climb the Everest Base Camp later this year. Bill Lawler ’93 is part of that group and is still Jason’s best friend today. Jason and his wife have a beautiful blended family with four kids and are currently empty nesters who love to travel the world. In terms of his career, Jason has had a diverse career path. “I have had an interesting career. I worked in strategic consulting, joined a boy band and traveled the country doing 300 shows a year, I owned a bar, I worked at Lotame, working my way from the mail room to Chief Revenue Officer, and most recently, I was the Director of Global Sales at Google,” he shared.Jason Downie ’94

Bob and his wife were married in 1976, and they have three children and seven grandchildren. After graduation, Bob went on to medical school and opened a family private practice office in 1980. He still practices today.Bob Goodwin ’72

Share your updates here!

It’s time to start thinking about upcoming events! 

Spring is just around the corner, and with the warmer temperatures now on the rise, it has us thinking about getting back together with Alpha Chi Rho brothers.  

Mark your calendar now for the University of Pennsylvania Homecoming 2023!: November 3rd – 5th

More details will be shared as soon as they are available, but it’s not too early to start making your travel plans.  

In the meantime, summer is the perfect opportunity to plan your next fraternity reunion. So, here are some tips for planning the perfect AXP weekend:  

FRIENDS: Head to the directory page to reconnect and catch up with brothers you haven’t heard from in a while!   

FOOD and DRINKS: Philadelphia is always changing. Our old favorite restaurant or bar may not still be in town, but here are some great options to have a get together!  

  • The Library Bar
  • Victory Brewing Company
  • Wicked Wolf

FUN: Fall semester means football is back in-season! Check out the fall football schedule here, and don’t forget about homecoming on November 3rd – 5th either!  

Planning a get-together? CLICK HERE to let us know, so we can share it in our next e-letter!  

Jason Downie ’94: That house is where some of my best memories were made, and some of my best friends were met 

2018 25-year reunion: L to R: Andy Bashe, Clint Hess, Bill Loller, Jason Downie

Jason Downie ’94 “I never thought of myself as a Greek life person, but there was something different about Alpha Chi Rho,” he said. “It was more about people, they were cool guys, and I got a good vibe.” 

Jason didn’t pledge until his Sophomore year when his buddy from his acapella group recruited him. And as a part of their pledging, the brothers invited them to a last supper. “They said they wanted to serve us so they were going to cook a meal for us,” he said. “But it was the most disgusting meal, something like oatmeal, food coloring, anchovies, and beets. It was gross. We ate it and created a bond that all of us would remember.” 

While he didn’t live at the house, it was a favorite hangout. “It was central to the campus, so I would eat lunch there every day and just hang out,” he said. “Oh! Ralph’s Lunch Truck was a block away, and they made the best cheeseburger sub!” 

He and his buddies would plan their class schedule around the TV show Hogan’s Heroes. “We would meet up at the house and watch it every day from 1-2 pm,” he smiled.  

Jason’s family on a summit in the White Mountains of New Hampshire

“We were known for a couple of things… a really nice house, cool parties and premium beer,” he said. “Our biggest party was The Moose is Loose with bottled Moosehead beer as its namesake.” He puzzled over why they thought glass bottles were a good idea.  

The lifelong friendships are hard to come by, and it is so cool to have a history with people you have known for 30 years,” he said.  

He and some of his Alpha Chi Rho brothers are headed to Nepal to climb to Mount Everest Base Camp later this year. Bill Loller ’93 is part of that group and is still Jason’s great friend today. 

Jason and his wife have a beautiful blended family with four kids and are currently empty nesters who love to travel the world.  

Jason has had a diverse career path. “I have had an interesting career. I worked in strategic consulting, joined a boy band and traveled the country doing 300 shows a year, I owned a bar, I worked at Lotame, working my way from the mail room to Chief Revenue Officer, and most recently, I was the Director of Global Sales at Google,” he shared.  

A tradition he hopes never goes away: “The house. I hope they can always keep the house. That house is where some of my best memories were made, and some of my best friends were met.,” he said. 

Alumni Weekend May 12-15, 2023

Please join us for Alumni Weekend this year. We are planning to return to our traditional BBQ and house meeting on Saturday, May 13th. If you are interested in attending or to help plan for the event, please contact Jared Miller ( Official information from Penn can be found at Hotel blocks are starting to sell out, so please book your accommodations as early as possible.

Here is a link to local hotels and Hill House rooms:

Get Involved: Volunteer with Alpha Chi Rho

Are you interested in volunteering with the Alpha Chi Rho Headquarters? The fraternity shares how they are looking for people to help; “Our staff and volunteers strive to accomplish massive projects as a team in a healthy, professional, and challenging environment that benefits the growth of each person. We are continually seeking individuals who will embrace our purpose with enthusiasm and determination through volunteering or through a staff position.”

No matter what your interests or skills, there is something for everyone to help out! Check out all the cool volunteer opportunities here


Here’s what you support when you donate to Alpha Chi Rho

It’s almost the halfway point of our giving year and we still have a ways to go to reach our goal! Will you join the brothers listed on the HONOR ROLL?  

Your contribution makes an impact. It is at the heart of everything we do. Your contributions ensures that new generations of Alpha Chi Rho have the same opportunities as you, and not only that, it supports all funding for alumni events and communications!  


With your donation, you support something we all need, which is our community. Being part of something bigger, embracing shared values, and creating lasting relationships—these life experiences are at the core of the Alpha Chi Rho experience and are a living example of the true meaning of community.   

Gifts of all sizes make a difference. Make your gift and make sure our Alpha Chi Rho community thrives.